- adul n ezi @ d weddin : seremban -

thx adul n bob for askin me to join them... such a sunday... went home n hv dinner near me place together wit waed...
aloooo kiki... arigatoo 4 d tagged... =]
What Were You Doing 5 Years Ago ?
5 years ago... i was 23... i still studyin... strugglin to finish what ive started...
What Were 5 Things On Your To Do List Today (30 November 2008)?
i. movie marathon... ive burned bout 30 movies... =]
ii. eat pisang goreng (like d cica)
iii. sleep
iv. snap photo @ tasik permaisuri
v. what actually happened... went to seremban with adul n bob
What Are 5 Snacks That You Enjoy?
i. pisang goreng
ii. kerepek ubi (spicy)
iii. twisties
iv. muffin 'for me it is a snek'
v. bantal snek
What Are 5 Things That You Do If You Were Billionaire ?
i. open a bussiness to secure me wealth
ii. build me dream box house (complete with d best av system)
iii. make me families a billionaire too
iv. treat me frens
v. help people in needs
What Are 5 Jobs You've Had?
i. helped me mom in her restaurant (wash dishes)
ii. studyin
iii. practicum @ majuikan sb as a .... i dunno what am i doin there
iv. banquet @ renaissance hotel
v. temporary staff in price solutions
listenin to seize d day : avenged sevenfold
- see my vision burn - i feel my memories fade with time - but I'm too young to worry- these streets we travel on will undergo our same lost past
i am so jealous of all the pictures you had
great photo..i comment on the sony alpha before dis. do u know any instructor that willing to help for beginners?if u have contactlah..
boss cantik gambar lompat si bob
semua gambar cantikkkkkkkkkk... i likeeeee
PD.. arggh.. feel the tense.. need a break...
cantek.. bila nak mbikpix kita plak ni.. huhuuuuuuuuuuu
onald... hiks miss u 2. hoohoho
..headers tu gempak wo...
sume pic kewl...
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