started around 2++pm (i arrived 240pm... arghh..). closin bout 5++pm... so so happenin... d weddin of d year (which i attend la). after d wed, ciput need to change shirt n helpin to wash dishes... kuali... n will b 'bless' wit air sabun... thats why there will one more entry on d blessin n cake cuttin n present openin...
Onal, lawa nye semua gambar-gambar ceera ni. Yang paling tak tahan yang part kaki ciput ngan ceera lain-lain tu. Ade je idea eh nak buat camtu.
this entry favvy: gamba ceera yang belakang nye ade gamba ciput yang blur. sungguh best
asal tgokpix² ceera.. mesti ku sedih.. uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa........
nice shoot yeah..!!!
pic2 kat lua umah cun2. sbb xyah nak guna flash. ye dok?
Banyaknya gmbr yg di snap shot d weeding Ceera..
Sumanya cantek..
Ewahh.. pengantin makan.. x cover2..slumber je :D
Ya Allah, gambar bawak motor tu mmg x leh bha... huhu (kakchik)
bro,byk gmbr rose la.. de pepe ker ni??=p
hi, of all the pics, the one with caption greeeen atmosphere looks very breathtaking and cool...nice job:)
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