tribute 2 rieta aka azura ratnavali. she is me girlfren-ed. i like when she shmile... so cute... 'd beauty lies in d eyes of d beholder'. some photos i snapped when we were toghethergether...

'Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a teardrop...'
'There is a time for departure even when there's no certain place to go...'
'For all sad words of tongue and pen, the saddest are these, "It might have been..."'
life is too damn short... b heppi for what u have n what u will have... ;]
listenin to love song by korn
- love song for the dear departed - head stone for the broken hearted -arms to kill or flowers to steal -
nice pics...
anyway me blog hoppin' and found urs..nice blog luv ur link yeh..
'Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a teardrop...'
ai suker ayat ni;))
Gambar2 cantek.. awex tu pun lawa..
Suka je tgk suma gmbr kt sni :)
so pretty
so damn gorgeus ... remember the handsome guy story .....
: Uncle Ron old friend la..i thought i know her..:)..hi rieta!!
Girlfrin-ed? Past tense - did you two break up or something? I think you two together make a cute couple!
Hai Azura Ratnavali..
Remember u're my friend..?
Our be correct?
We studied in the same class...same University before..
I admire u so much..pretty and naughty girl.
Yeah..u know it...she's my ex GF before..
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