it was wednesday 26th of nov 08...
at sg wang... d best n fun party were held... its really been awhile, really... dont have tis kind of FUuuuN... aaaah.. its d 3rd time of d celebrations... baes d coolest n d bestfren u ever dreamed of... kara-KO time @ greenbox n most participated event 14 artists...
we were singin, dancin, jumpin, screamin, eatin, laughin, crazyin, drinkin (only juice n syrup) n enjoyin... for me d best time to shoot people...
- baes: d person who r responsible for d fun -

- baes again : he is a shyshy guy type -

- journey to d greenbox -

- a green lift -

- bob so hepi wit her virtual gf -

- it supposed to b a bag advert by waed -

- atuy beside d 10 room -

- miun : observe n silence... just for a moment -

- tis photo taken after he sang six songs in a row : herman -

- people sez : karaoke for singin . ben sez : karaoke for eatin -

- bob : d buffet its not that guuud :[ -

- eat... eat... eat... : chang -

it was daaaaamn fun... cant describe... all d unpredictable things happened... hahahaha... everyone is not themselves anymore... everythin unleashed... so crazy yet descent o_O.
d fun end @ 10++ n all d stress n tension released, still got d vibe until today... d day after... no one can speak clearly...
zack is next hero of d day.........
listenin to lucky by jason mraz... recommended by kiki =]
- do you hear me - im talking to you - across the water across the deep blue ocean
syok² kita baca.. opps tersentap ade gak nama tertera kat page onald.. bagus² letaklah byk²lagi. auwww....
I hear you in my dreams+I feel your whisper across the sea+I keep you with me in my heart....
nasib ada gambar nal last sekali, hahaha.. nal pun suka dangdut kah??? apakah??
takleh blah tengok gambar wahed nyanyi dangdut, lawak siot..
y tak panggil ira jadik 'gadis' korang, hahahahaha...
cam best je greenbox, tak pernah pergi lagi oh...
salam singgah beb!
kagums! sebab letak banyak gile gamba event dengan cepat siap dengan edited version plak tu. kalau gua, pasti la lame gile nak letak sumer skali.
well done! gamba-gamba adalah menarik.
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