in this last 2 weeks, ive started to read some others blogs other than ceeran kiki n discovered its so much fun, funny, funtastick, fundamental, fungus n fu** oso got. some of them d writin skills, d way they tell story, d support they got, d life they went thru everyday n dll is so mesmerizin... BUT... recently oso some of them so down, so sad, so stress, so in dillema n so so... a lot of things can b learned ere. sharin thoughts, experience, knowledge n blabla... such a wonderfull life it is.... ^-^
- life : sometimes up + sometimes down -
- life : sometimes short + sometimes long -
- life : sometimes sweeet + sometimes bittter -
- life : sometimes loved + sometimes unloved -
- life : sometimes smile + sometimes cry -
a wise man : Bertrand Russell says "d good life is inspired by love n guided by knowledge"
a simple man : me says "life sucks when u r feelin sucks"
a mute man : says ".................................."
listenin to korn : somebody someone
i need somebody someone - can somebody help me? - all i need is some pain - not just for me
live your life to the fullest.but make it balance for your here after as well
but i realy like..apa yang u katakan...
pada pix² nya memberi 2 makna.. just fikirkanlah apa yang better apa yang kita mahukan...
>>> meh sini saya tolongg... sudi tak.. wkakakaka!! adeh² ceera ko nak tolong sekli tak? hehehe
wah, nasib nama aku yang 1st, kalau tak... awasssssssssss....
skang dah panjang skit nal punye kata2 eh, hehehehehe...
kiki, sudi apa nye yang??? hahahaha... ko buat aku gelak la..
hahaha kalo nama aku yang 1st,mati putus kawan... jaga ko onal.. wakakakaka!!!
>>> tolong onal sidai kain..heheh =D
hehehehe.... ko je la yang tolong, aku tolong tengok dari jauh jerk.. =P
hahhahah~ xmo²... onal.... bila nak lanje kita dan ceera makan mahal² nih..kehekeheh~ ceera nak tawen dah tu.. =(
Salam dik,akak suka u punya blog,mcm penganalisis lak...very caring ok
aku...silent reader kt blog ko nih
recently i found dat u kinda lonely..
by judging the way u wrote ere
btw,hope u find ur happiness,onal
by:ur old frend (^__^)
kalo nk lanje ceera ngn kiki,sy nk ikutt sekali..hahah
pepe yg jd,hidup ttp perlu d teruskn walaupun sakit..=p
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