it just happened.. without realizin.. i was already jumpin... lalala....

jump n listenin : b wit u by akon
- and no one knows -
- why i'm into you -
- cause you'll never know what its like to walk in our shoes -
- and no one know, the things we've been through -
- why i'm into you -
- cause you'll never know what its like to walk in our shoes -
- and no one know, the things we've been through -
cntik gmbr..besh!!
amek gmbr i kawen nnt leh?
i suke creativiti u la..
can u?
camne buat?P
trully: thx n bila nk kawen tu.. boleh saja... biar u lompat tingitinggi.. hehe..
joe: lompat je... hehe.. ke cmne nk buat kaler tu...
biar i la yang perasan..
lawa wwoooo rambut =) shukeee yayaa!!
-nald tak sabar nak lompat² gak ngan nald ni..uwahhhh!
statik gmbar! great job onal hehe
Nice picture!
Pandai kamoo edit2..
~sayep suda link kan blog kamoo..hihihi
(yg frust pic kawen-nye tidak di edit2 camtu capture camtulah di printnyer)
sangat2 suka setiap kali tengok u snap pic..clasic,simple, n penting sekali tiap pic yang u snap..ada makna.. luv it- chinta
nanti ajar ek
hoho...nice~!...mau lompat2 jugak la bole?...hiks....;p
nal yang mental, hahahahaha
woi, botak lagi kah? kadang2 nal nampak ensem bila botak, kadang2 je la..
love your picta.
everyone of them.
angle bagus ek?
heee...tgh angau ka ...
lompat jgn x lompat:)
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