met tis guy today.. textd me.. im at 'pakcik'.. come n snap me superbike.. i tot it was a joke..
last time he was on motor (as a passenger), he asked ben to stopped n take train.. too scared... haha... n.. now he own a cagiva... damn.. u r crazy dude.. hehe...

go slow man.. u r only 2 weeks old as a rider... u r not in d car k...
addicted to munajat cinta : d rock
- malam ini ku sendiri -
- tiada sapa yg menemani-
- seperti malammalam yg sudahsudah -
bike idaman gue
rudy mmg best
nk kwn dgn rudy just because his bike..hehe
aKU suKA
piC N MOto Yg CooL..
like da colour~...huh~
lawa picta moto hehe
nothing happen for nothing..
everything happen for a reason..
at least ...
but.. this one is totally out of imagination ... just sum up it all to general lines..
"people do change .."
Uncle Ron
2nd piccas tuh nampak cam motor mainan je. but yet still nice.
salam ziarah tuan rumah. :)
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