its been awhile didnt upload photo tis much... just to choose which to post also tk time...
me first birthday party snappin... quite nervous actually... coz definitely it will b nite time n that means low lite condition n im still using a200... huhu... but thanx God i like d result...
it was a belated birthday party for cik wanie which fall on 26th may o9... d party held on o6o6o9 @ pd... i was a bidan terjun photographer... d formal one get sick...
- d bungalow : sooo big -
- preparation -
- wanies mom : so calm -
- d doorgift -
- linda n wawa : nice to meet u wawa -
- even got banner -
- d contact -
- let d makeup start -
- biru mata hitamku -
- eq : one of d most important person in d party -

- d transformation -

- muahccc -

- kak arlina n najwa : d maker up : pro -
- wanie n mom -
- blue in red -
- wow... -
- d cake frm putrajaya : special order -
- d arrival -
- fuuuuuh... fuh... -
- rebut kerusi game -

- karaok : it is ok -
- poco poco dance : hepi -
- d guest book -
- blue n white theme -
- present opening ceremony -
- shmile... -
- love urself more than others -
to wanie: thnx so much to call me for d party n d trust n its an honour... =]
it was d best birthday party.. full of fun... fun of laugh... full of ppl... full of foods... full of happiness... congrats to wanie n heppi belated bestday from me... =]
listenin to ne me quitte pas : nino simone
- ne me quitte pas -
- ...... -
Dearest onald...
mcm yg i ckp kat sms tue,
i happy dapat kenal u n i rasa x salah pilih u jadi i punya photographer i,
i suka hasil kerja u,
tue blum tgk lagi yg u dah cuci...
apapun tq so much sbb u sudi spendkan masa u tuk majlis i yg x seberapa ini..
i & family sgt2 menghargainya...
nanti kita jumpa lagi ok,
apa yg pasti i SUKA sgt hasil kerja u..
keep it up!!!!!
kwn dgn sis wanie ker???
btw, great birthday party... salam dgn sis wanie yer... suka dia, cuteeee ^-^
honestly, sgt cantik dah saya rasa cik wanie mmg x salah pilih photog...hasil kerja yang superb!! bravo
tantek nye kak wanieee.
sgt chumeLL.
tak salah kak wanie pilih kamu.
psstt psstt!
wawa amek pic wawa eyh..
aku pun turutt jelessss.
cik wanie: really glad u ike it... =]
rahma: dia kim slm balik... cute kaaan..
rahma: thx for d support...
ceera n kiki: muahahaha... cian korng..
wawa: amek je... thxx,,,
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