d last enrty of ceera n ciput wedding... after d wedding end... its time to get bless from d families member... ayie aka uteh told me that everynewone will b bless with d air basuhan kenduri... euuuu... its like a tradition for them... hehe... i was so excited n look for the best angle to shoooot... n d fun begin...
- tis was from last enrty... not sure if ceera is heppi or what?? -
- d hero 'before'... come to think... ciput does resemble tom welling in smallville ... -
- and the attack begun... shmileeee... hahaha... cian.. -
- bless from abang lang... like mandi bunga gitu... hehe -
- after several attack... d hero strike back... but must wit shmile... -
- lalalalala~~~~ washin face -
- wet party... hahaha -
- mrs ceera come to d rescue... but... (d color of d water damn yellowish... euuu...) -
- hahaha... im goin to get kill for tis photos -
- tis one d best kamikaze ever... by akak husband -
- in d end one of d soldier get wet... hahaha -
- moka seposen.... -
- ciput is a gud boy... -
- lovely sengal couple -
- ngeeee by ciput -
- d spectator... actually they scared to b involved -

- alot... alot of presents -
- a RM350 cake : ehsan from andak -
- d cake : green : tasty : chantek -
- d cake wit ultra wide angle lense -
- ceeras mom took a ribbon from one present to attach to d knife... hihi.. creative -
- d cake cutter -
- aaaaaa.... -
- abang belated befday -
- sepet just cant wait... -
- darwish... me idol.. we hv same interest but his got more freedom... hehe -
- d otai -
- in between -
- that is me present for d newlywed -
- end of present openin : household completed : free -
- nisa..... co cweeeet -
- d cake n d presents n them -
- mr ciput n mrs ceera -
- i almost smack d butterfly -
- guuuud husband : cooooomel : tis is candid -
end of nite @ 10++pm. ayie send me home... huhu... thx yie. if not hv to tk taxi.
once again me aka onald want to shout to both of ceera n ciput... selamat pengantin baru....
thank u soooo much for invited to d soooo best wedding n d treat from d couple n families member make me felt like im also a family... hehehe... aligatoooo... =]
listenin to secondhand serenade : fall for you
but hold your breath - coz tonite will b d nite
- that i will fall for you over again - dont make me change me mind