as usual... a workin saturday n sunday... bring me cam wit d zoom lense... i always fascinated wit people who took streetphoto n can make it looks guuud.... coz its freakin hard... tried it in sg wang area... n only like 6 photo snapped... a big huh... next time i will stay n snap for whole day to 'feel' streetphoto snappin...
i always wish i hv a polaroid cam oneday... but at d moment i just use pp lor...

watch american idol in youtube n was surprised adam lambert didnt win... yay... chris alken is not that bad duh....
listening to we are the champions by queen
- and bad mistakes -
- ive made a few -
- ive had my share of sand kicked in my face -
- but ive come through -
- we are the champions - my friends -
- and we'll keep on fighting - till the end -
- ive made a few -
- ive had my share of sand kicked in my face -
- but ive come through -
- we are the champions - my friends -
- and we'll keep on fighting - till the end -
gambo atas tu mengujakan
PEsaL ko SUkE WAt AkU JElEZ eA?
haHa...gUd jOb maa..
PEsaL ko SUkE WAt AkU JElEZ eA?
haHa...gUd jOb maa..
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