it is... it is.. it is manyak syok balik kampung... i have discussed wit mom bout stayin @ kampung n let me take care of her... but d decision was... she do NOT agreed coz me suggested that she need to support me 'moral n money' while im lookin for a job... huh...
sunday... met me old fren: dahlan wit her wife: fatimah n TWo child 'a pair: dian n daniel'... i really forgot that his wife just delivered the 2nd child, which i tot d first one... chat only bout 20 mins, he need to rush to lahad datu before rain: he just bought a new isuzu dmax 3.0...
- dian : her eyes is so... -
- daniel : new born -
- dahlan aka lanco beside new born dmax -
- a lil bit shy -
- lanco n fatimah -
- me niece: echaas daughter -

- dian wit chic wing -
- d fat boy : apai -

congrats dude for new son n car!!! n dont forget to let ur wife take a rest ok... n make sure plan carefully tis time.. hahahahaha....
listenin to enigma : return to d innocence
- if u want than start to laugh -
-if u must than than start to cry -
- b urself dont hide -
- just believe in destiny -
apkah nama makanan itu?
makanan itud beri nama sayap ayam... yang telah d bakar...
kampung kat sabah ek???
wahhh si lanco itu...
dia punye dmax ke??? tak sangka..
1st time kot ira tengok wife dia.. huhu~
kim salam kat dahlan...
i Love The Pic!!
KAmERa TyPE Ape eA Ko PkaI?
siyesly cool pics!
loveeeeeeeee it!
lam x dgr cita dahlan
tetiba, muncul kt blog ko
yg terkezutnya lg, dahlan dh kawen
ko bila lg, nal???
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