18th may 09... rietas bestday... today celebrated her belated day... went after work : tgi pavillion. tony ramos packed... huh... bought her a lamp for present...
hepi bestday rieta... hope everything is goin to be fine... hv a hepihepi day k...

- its a new number... -

- shes shmilin.. i didnt write anythin funny... =] -

- she looks so serious... eventho we bought d present together -

- brownies as d cake -

- a lamp from lovely lace : can b a hat too -

- she is missin someone... lurve is in d air... =] -
a hepi nite...
a lot of fun...
a news so guud to hear...
a fren is so sweet...
a wish that u will b hepi always...
so glad u found someone special... =]