it was d beshhh first day of me life... me n waed kept sayin 'can u believe it bro... we r in borobudur..'. things u only seen in internet now infront of ur eyes... its so mesmerizin... but in that joyfull day, me also feelin down a lil bit coz me new lens : sigma 70-200mm f2.8 that i bought 2 days bfore d trip cant autofocus... arghhhh... too hard to use manual, in d end i didnt used it much.. huhu...
d day after : candi prambanan
listenin to cinta dalam hati : ungu
- dan izinkan aku memeluk dirimu kali ini saja -
- tuk ucapkan selamat tinggal untuk selamanya -
- dan biarkan rasa ini bahagia untuk sekejab saja -
- tuk ucapkan selamat tinggal untuk selamanya -
- dan biarkan rasa ini bahagia untuk sekejab saja -
candi borobudur..
sej form 4 sdg blaja ini~
ngee =)
Assalamualaikum Wr Wb,
Previously I ‘m sorry if Mr / Mrs less pleasing of this comment. Warmest greetings, my name Jati introduction of Ganesha Jogja Tour & Travel. We are a tour company particularly in the Jogja vacation. If Mr / Mrs want go to Jogja please don’t hesitate to call (+62 85104919010) or whatsapp me (+628985101301). Free for ask.
In addition Jogja package, we also serve other destination (Solo, Dieng, Bali, Lombok, Bromo, Surabaya) Tours. If Mr / Mrs have low budget, we also provide car / van / bus with special price.
Here is a sample Jogja Tour:
4D3N Jogja Tour (FULL BOARD / ALL IN)
Kasongan (pottery production), parangtritis beach, Manding (leather arts), Borobudur temple, Merapi lava tour (exploring the rest of the Merapi eruption using jeeps), chocolate Kotagede, Mataram Kotagede Mosque (oldest mosque in Yogyakarta), Kotagede silver handicraft center, Kraton (Sultan's palace), Castle watercastle, cave tubing Pindul Cave, Indrayanti beach, Bukit Bintang
Price start from: RM 482
All package types include:
• Private Car AC (Toyota Avanza / Grand Livina for 2-6 pax, Isuzu elf 11 seats for 7-11 pax, Isuzu elf 16/17 seats for 12-16 pax, medium buses 31-33 seats for 17-33 pax, bigbus 44-54 seats for more than 33 pax)
• Hotels 3 nights * 2 / * 3 / * 4 (+ breakfast)
• Driver
• Driver Meals
• Parking fees
• Tour guide (by request)
• Entrance ticket is stated in the itinerary
• Dinner and lunch based itinerary
• Documentation (by request)
• Airport taxes
• Personal expences (laundry, pulse, shopping etc.)
• Additional menu for dinner / lunch (if included)
• Driver, driver's assistant, guide tips (optional)
Prices are subject to change at any time
Prices are not valid for high season
Many more other package such as Jogja + Solo, Yogyakarta + Dieng, Semarang and Yogyakarta etc. Please do not hesitate to give a call to me at +6285104919010 / whatsapp me at +628985101301 (FREE). Many thanks for the attention.
Wassalamualaikum Wr Wb
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