1.letakkan gambar profile anda:

2.terangkan maksud gambar itu:
d picture means... that is me.. onald.. an unhandsomeman wit no gurlfren in d age of 30 minus 1 year... who got no interest of anythin... huh... d pix snapped by me cousin...
3.kenapa pilih gambar itu?
coz tis is one of d first pix of meself i that i have when i decided to create tis blog... n until now no need to change it... huh...
4.nak tag siapa?
i ll skip tis part...
i wanna upload some of me face *consider d best angle of meself... in me humble blog for memories....

today @ 2pm im goin to fly to yogyakarta *yeeehaaaa.... wit waed to see me cousin... *vacation time for one week... so... anythin can happen in tis trip.. i might b come back to malaysia or might be not... ya Allah... bless tis trip... amiiin... borobodur ere i come...
addicted to jiwang song : bila rasa ini rasamu by kerispatih
- bila rasaku ini rasamu -
- sanggupkah engkau menahan sakitnya -
- terkhianati cinta yang kau jaga -
- coba bayangkan kembali -
- betapa hancurnya hati ini kasih -
- semua telah terjadi -
yayy!! dah buat dah.. hehe
and i love dat songs too.. =(
u r the best!
kasi ajar la teknik2 ambik gambar..
P/S - koi 'up' punye baik.. hahaha
moga pulang dengan selabat..
i also like dis song very2 much..
memang layan la kan lagu ne..
lagi2 time2 tengah hearbroke macam ne..argh, whatever, life must goes on..
Hi... wahed told me bout this blog. Nice shoot, u should be pro...
How can u took picture like that? Amazing... btw, my name's Erda. May I know what kind of Digital cam do u have? or maybe handycam or something...
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