congratulations... congratultions... to me fren cum me junior cum me colic cum me villagemate : roslan aka chang who got married on 02012009 n wed ceremony on 03012009. one of d most happiest woman in d world that day is halimatul saadiah who has been chang girlfren since study time in uni... wah loyal couple... hehe.. me didnt make it to d solemnization coz it was held on friday... work mah... huhu... btw once again snap makes me heppi... =]
- lovely couple -

- ben n sham : two most important guys in d weddin -
- arrival of d groom : waed as d instructor -
- on d right : sham cum bestman -
- candy ceremony : i tot it was money... haha -
- raja sehari : last forever -
- husband n wife : like buddy -
- food.. food.. everyone shmile -
- chang : one more lost virgin... haha -
- selamat pengantin baru me fren -
d wedding went smoothly... Alhamdulillah.. but d before wed is not as planned... we supposed to meet @ jln ampang n move @ 8am, but ended up very late, @ 1030am n arrived @ 1pm. chang need to wait for us coz we r d groom side families (changs families couldnt come coz certain reason : last minute), sori to make u worried... haha... chang called me every ten mins to make sure we r not lost.. btw thx to chang n halimatul for invited us to d weddin... may ur nu year n new life full of joy...
u made everything looks good..
mohd onald. bila mau jumpa.. saya mau gambar daaaaaaaaaaaaa... call me
hi there.. u pandai shoot gamba. selain wedding.. nk mintak u shoot gamba utk model2 utk megazine or just utk photoshoot bole. tgh cari photographer utk shoot gamba i nk wat buku make up.
ths is my make up blog, tp mostly gamba burn sbb byk flash. myself shoot sdiri.
nampak stokin jek..
nk nengok muke onal jugak :P
salam awk. i really like ur pic n artwork.
my wedding ujung bulan ni, since tkde photographer lg, i nk amek yu bleh? tp my wedding nunnn jauh di kelantan sane... how come yer??
plis. do contact me at my blog.
arlina rosli: boleh.. boleh... suka sgt amek still learnin...
miszue: muka onal sebijik cm stokin tu... hehe
zteesides: thx. tp im x wed photographer, i amek suka2 je... kt klantan cuba try p/s-xleh nk letak omment kat blog u...
many thnk. yu really help me :)
wanna be ur blog followers.. really syuke tgk artwork yu.
btw, thank again onal! nice to meet yu
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