- faizal bein bullied -

- colorfull flies -

- one for all... all for one -
d previous one in greenbox 6pm to 10pm... tis one til 3am... nine tuttt hours!! wahhh liaoooo... no wonder price big.. only eight of us remains til d end, d rest tak bleh harap... 11pm already gone... it was FUNNNN... thx a lot a lot guys for d sacrifice... im goin to remember til next year only... hahaha... d day after tmrow... comin in to work late... huh...
lagu dangdut satu.. kasik gelek abis yaa..
wahh.. rindu nak karok....
oh baru nk ckp..mane pic org yg snap2 ni..sekali ade kat bawah hehe
huhuuu..bestnye..niway,nice capca'..;)
ceera: snggolsengolan satu siap...
ladykiki: jom karok jarak jauh...haha
miszue: photo tu dedicated untk miszue ler... hehe
mistakenidentity: huhu.. it wa d besh... thx... u snap less nowadays huh...
u use dslr ke?jenis ape?not bad ur photo..
kat mana nie?kat mana nie?????
clustergolgi: yup dslr... sony a200.. dreamin for nikon tho.. hehe.. thx ek...
Erieq: ini adalah d pavillion redbox plus... aku suggest ko g greenbox sg wang... bilik lg besar..
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