it was wednesday 26th of nov 08...
at sg wang... d best n fun party were held... its really been awhile, really... dont have tis kind of FUuuuN... aaaah.. its d 3rd time of d celebrations... baes d coolest n d bestfren u ever dreamed of... kara-KO time @ greenbox n most participated event 14 artists...
we were singin, dancin, jumpin, screamin, eatin, laughin, crazyin, drinkin (only juice n syrup) n enjoyin... for me d best time to shoot people...
- baes: d person who r responsible for d fun -

- baes again : he is a shyshy guy type -

- journey to d greenbox -

- a green lift -

- bob so hepi wit her virtual gf -

- it supposed to b a bag advert by waed -

- atuy beside d 10 room -

- miun : observe n silence... just for a moment -

- tis photo taken after he sang six songs in a row : herman -

- people sez : karaoke for singin . ben sez : karaoke for eatin -

- bob : d buffet its not that guuud :[ -

- eat... eat... eat... : chang -

it was daaaaamn fun... cant describe... all d unpredictable things happened... hahahaha... everyone is not themselves anymore... everythin unleashed... so crazy yet descent o_O.
d fun end @ 10++ n all d stress n tension released, still got d vibe until today... d day after... no one can speak clearly...
zack is next hero of d day.........
listenin to lucky by jason mraz... recommended by kiki =]
- do you hear me - im talking to you - across the water across the deep blue ocean