040709 : rcvd a msg from rudy 'organize karaok satu...' on 150709 there we were... nine people shoutin.. i mean singing in one of d box in greenbox, sg wang...
thx bro... =]

in life there are always two side of everythin...
yes or no...
bad or good...
love or hate...
peace or war...
happy or sad...
but why is that...
no is always d answer...
bad is always d choice...
hate is always overcome d love...
war is always d solution...
sad is always d winner...
i guess thats is how life is... but actually its only sometimes... =]
listenin nirvana : come as u r
- Come As you are -
- As you were -
- As I want you to be -
- As a friend -
- As a known memory -
- Take your time -
- Hurry up -
- The choice is your -
- Dont be late -
- Take a rest -