three of me colleague has been promoted as officer n as per agreed, each one of them MUST give a treat to d whole team... n let d treatmnent begin...
- d first officer : atuy -
- d attendace : officer bob . officer atuy . officer wahid . officer baes -
- officer to be : zack . herman . chang -
- d honourable guests : ass manager arben . ass manager rudy -
- d venue - carl's jr. pavillion -

- d order : any type of burger -

- d boss of d day : cost RM299... huhu... -
- so meaningful motto... btw size does matter -
- d gathering -
- zack tellin story bout burger history in the dark -
- bob orderin "kopi o dua...."
- hahahaha... herman control his mouth from auuuummmm -
- atuy is d handsomest guy of d day... ;] -
- atuy n baes -
- 'it's gonna b messy'... yup it is messy - - bluuuurp... Alhamdulillah... -
- faces of satisfaction -
- see u soon... next is bob!!! -just wanna say thank u so so much for the sacrifice dear atuy .. hehehe
huhuhu.. la 1 laki....
yg nsem2 cket....
tp kalo xde yg nsem...
nal pon blh la..ops..terpgl nal plak..teringat la tu..teringat la tu..huhu!!
hahahaha....hampeh tol.. z u ni noty la...haha lagi...
macam kenal 2 org dalam pictures, si Zafrullah (kalau tak salah eja) dan si akhbar kan... cantik2 gambar korang...
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