d time has come... d second nice man of d day is bob... location is madam kwan's @ pavillion. 3 of d guests can't make it, that leave us 8 lucky guys... hehe...
- seven warriors ready to'war' -
- that last person laughin' is d one paying... haha... -
- madam kwan's restaurant... mmm... cedaaap -
- d rose n d boss -
- adul - light - herman -
- even they r like 'this', we r still frens -
- d signature : nasi bojari ( six of us ordered tis) -
- that is waed with d auuuummm -
- d three stooges : bob - zack - baes -
- aaaaa... ben n atuy -
- zack d monster -
- such a pose from adul d bald guy -
- in d mirror : ben -

- bob : cool guy la kono' ... hehe... -
- dinner @ madam kwan's : RM292.70 -
it was fun... of course la free ma... a million thanks n hugs for bob for being so nice today...
lalala.... lalalalaaaaa..... can't wait for the third one... baes d future nice guy... yeye....