Tuesday... buka with ceera @ WesternCafe Cheras

- Western Cafe - near ira future hometown -

- smiling greeny keychain -

- ira menu @ chicken chop chop -

- me menu @ beef steak -

- auuuuum... makan budak... hahahahahaha -

- sankyu 4 d treat. tis also for me belated birthday last august -

- dead frog in ira's car-
Hello there! Stumbled across this blog through kak ceera. Wow, you have a nice shot there. XD How I wish I could own a dslr too. =)
nak letak gak ira makan rakus tu, hampeh koooo...
pssttt..glamer gak patung yang daku kasi tu ye.. hiks..
yeahhhh she' like u ma.. wakakak
cantek la gambar yg onal amik . kiter blog hopping dari blog ceera . Pakai sony alpha ek . Cantek gambar2 nyer .
Onal nih photojournalist ek . 2 thumbs up ...i love all ur pic
hi u own sony alpha rite?which model?i just bought a-200 but really had no direction cuz i dun have any basic..still learn on my own.so..how long hv u been usin it?still ok?
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