- d cutey-
such a cute gal.... muahcccc
- the hi-class street hawker of ikano -
-ikea -
- dolls in ikea -
- me in d mirror -
- two bigeye fish lookin @ us -
- d fightin' fish in their own box -
- headin' home: bob turned into ultraman taro -
- ktm: one hour delayed + its sucks -
- cap ayam original -
- smiling greeny keychain -
- ira menu @ chicken chop chop -
- me menu @ beef steak -
- auuuuum... makan budak... hahahahahaha -
- sankyu 4 d treat. tis also for me belated birthday last august -
- dead frog in ira's car-
- friday 2250hr.. me posing infront of me pc -
- 2305hr... went for isya' prayer n bob framing himself -
- 2310hr... baes 'charging' b4 d game start -
- 2311hr... d prayer n d sleep -
- 0442hr... went for sahur @ estana n baes on d road -
- tis was me menu @ nasi goreng kg + tlor + nes o ice -
- 0453hr... bob can't stand anymore n take 10 mins nap -
- 0652hr... in d end bob surrender to d eyes n landed under d table -
- saturday 2214hr... waiting for monorail... home!!! wait for me -
- meself in red + blue + black + white... me fav colors -
- muahhhhhcc..... -
* me job sucks!!!!! :p