wah... we are gonna leave 2nd week of ramadhan already... yay.. sooo fast... so grateful that tis year it doesn't seems to be so hot during d day... n evenmore rainin every evening... subhanallah...
suddenly lookin for me album n memories come back....

- 2002 : wit miun, lanco, ira -
- zaman addicted to cap -
- 2nd year wit hilmi n lanco -
- wit pokcik : funny guy.. hahaha -
- cant remember where we r goin : lanco n metal -
- one of d evenin activities : joggin wit ira, co, kdong, anie -
- one of me roommate a palapes n ere we r posin like one =] : martin n marisma -
- form 5 : ben, amir, shukur, brader -
- class 5a : 97 -
- form 1 wit nasir -
- me -
if i realized earlier that photo can bring lost n past memories.. i would b snappin since than... huhuhu...
listenin to if today ur last day by nickelback
- if today ur last day n was tomrw was too late -
- could u say gudbye to yesterday -
- would u live each moment like ur last -
- leave old pictures in d past -